Dear Kaushik
On 13/08/2013 05:48, Kaushik wrote:
Dear all,
Wouldn't it be a useful to be able to navigate between all three
screens - parties, patients, families.
Meaning, if we are in a party window, we should able to create a patient
record from there and also enter his family details from there. Isn't
this worth doing.
Thank you for your suggestion. We can relate the patient model from the
party form. But remember that the role separation, meaning that people
that works on the administrative and demographics area should not see
the medical information about those parties (in most cases).
The other thing is that the party is an abstract concept that deals with
many different entities, not only persons.
That being said, I think that you have a good point and we should
discuss it further with the community.
It feels like the family data seems to be separate and disconnected from
the rest of the work flow.