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[Help-glpk] Re: Fwd: Gusek question

From: Yaron Kretchmer
Subject: [Help-glpk] Re: Fwd: Gusek question
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 09:52:20 -0700

Perfect- thanks Luiz.

As an example of why this is useful:

*) let's say that you wanted to automatically ftp the results of your solve to a remote server every time you do a solve.
*) You would follow Luiz's advice below, with the line being'cmd /c ruby ftp_me.rb',1,true)

where ftp_me.rb is


require 'open-uri'

open("glpk_result.out","r").read(open("ftp://username:address@hidden:port/remote_glpk_result.out", :proxy=>"http://proxyhost:proxyport").write)


Then after every solve, the file gets automatically transferred. Nifty!


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Luiz M. M. Bettoni <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello, Yaron.

One way to do that you want is using the properties files and some Lua script.
In Gusek, select "Options" > "Open User Options File".
Paste the following four lines:
command.go.$(file.patterns.gmpl)= dostring \
 if ("$(opnout)"~="") then scite.Open("$(opnout)") end \
 if ("$(opnbnd)"~="") then scite.Open("$(opnbnd)") end \'cmd /c mybatch.bat',1,true)
1. The "mybatch.bat" file MUST reside in the same model folder or in your path.

2. Please note that this will affect EVERY ".mod" file that you run in your machine.
Even if it is a glpk sample (not a good practice, ya?). To avoid this, you can use
the "Local Options File" besides. It will create a "" file in the folder
of the active model, and the change will affect only models in this same folder.

If you have interest, you can read more about SciTE and make better changes =)


Yaron Kretchmer escreveu:
Thanks Luiz.
Can I change the gusek properties so that when I press the "Go" (shoes) button
     1) glpsol.exe will be run
     2) After glpsol finishes, the batch.bat file is run

If this is possible, how do I do it?


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Luiz Bettoni <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi, Yaron.

Gusek was made like a fork of the SciTE editor dedicated to GLPK.
So, you can use SciTE native resources like:

A) Edit / include menus to run external tools /scripts
See Menu options -> open

B) Use Lua Scripting

C) Directly run batch files
Open a batch file in Gusek then "run" it.
For example: you can run a custom batch file from Gusek,
calling glpsol.exe to solve your model, and then performing another tasks, like this:
glpsol.exe --cuts -m "test.mod"
call mybatch.bat
delete *.tmp
The batch output will be show in the Gusek output pane.

Tip: you can use GMPL to generate dynamic batch files too, echoing
commands like below, and call them from another batch file.
param myfile symbolic := "test.bat";
printf "echo off\n" > myfile;
printf "echo Hello, there!\n" >> myfile;
printf "pause\n" >> myfile;
Wish this tips helps.


Yaron Kretchmer escreveu:
Here's a Gusek question for you: Can I specify a post-processing script (like a shell script ) that will be run once Gusek is done solving?

Regards from California


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yaron Kretchmer <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:36 AM
Subject: Gusek question
To: address@hidden

Hi There.
I'd like to run a post-processing script (i.e. some shell script of windows batch) after GLPK has been run, so as the results are better formatted. Is there a hook in Gusek to do that?


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