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Re: emacs 23 gdb mouse set breakpoint

From: Ritchie
Subject: Re: emacs 23 gdb mouse set breakpoint
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 18:59:55 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Thanks for your reply.

So you think it's because of different GDB version? But I also run
carbon emacs, which is emacs 22.3, on my mac, and I've been using it
for quite a long time, everything seems to be alright on that one.
Since the two are using the same gdb on the same machine, I assume it
should be something to do with emacs 23 cvs for Mac.

But I'm going to try out the new version of GDB anyway. I'll see what



On Apr 8, 12:55 am, (Nick Roberts) wrote:

> I see this with Apple Gdb which comes with Mac OSX.  This version differs
> slightly from FSF Gdb and is adapted for use with Apple's Xcode.  The latest
> FSF Gdb in the repository ( now
> compiles on Darwin and Mac OSX and doesn't have the problems you see.  If you
> don't want to build Gdb, the next version FSF Gdb will be 7.0 and it should be
> released in June.
> --
> Nick                                

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