On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Sean Sieger <sean.sieger@gmail.com> wrote:
Tim Visher <tim.visher@gmail.com> writes:
Hello Everyone,
I understand that there's a way to bookmark an info file so that I can
easily reference things that interest me later on. Is there also a
way to annotate info files such that I add my own little notes along
the way in a browsable or at least visible fashion from within the
Info file?
Thanks in advance!
While doing `e' in an *info* buffer and installing ipa.el are something
to look into, Bookmarks is part of Emacs and does a simple job in a
single separate .emacs.bmk file, or as many .bmk files as you'd like to
have. Bookmarks may also be annotated.
I'm interested in why ipa.el is preferable to Bookmarks.
Actually, I don't know much about either option. I figured that
Bookmarks would allow me to mark a spot and give it a name or some
brief description so that I could get back to it quickly. By
annotating I mean writing extensive notes and attaching them to a
given paragraph or word or something along those lines. If I can do
that with Bookmarks then that's a nice win. Probably at some point
today I'll read up on both. I'll send out my decision for those who
are interested.
Thanks again for the help!