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Re: python setup ?

From: Richard Riley
Subject: Re: python setup ?
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 13:15:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.92 (gnu/linux)

Andreas Röhler <> writes:

> Richard Riley wrote:
>> Andreas Röhler <> writes:
>>> Richard Riley wrote:
>>>> Richard Riley <> writes:
>>>>> Xavier Maillard <> writes:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am starting to do some work with python. I am looking for
>>>>>> options/setups to introduce into my .emacs file to have the best
>>>>>> experience possible with this scripting language.
>>>>>> Where should I start ?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>  Xavier
>>>>> I played with some python options last year and it was, unfortunately,
>>>>> rather messy. There were some conflicts between packages any python
>>>>> versions. For what its worth, the following was working back when with
>>>>> emacs 23:
>>>>> It includes autocompletion from autocomplete using pysmell. Another
>>>>> possible integration for eclim and the eclipse engine I would have
>>>>> thought.
>>>>> The iPython bit is commented out - I can't remember why off the top of
>>>>> my head.  The pymacs git repository seems dead too unfortunately. 
>>>>> The python-mode used is 5.1.0.
>>>> Just to follow up, I re-enabled the ipython bit and it worked fine. I
>>>> had ipython 0.9.1 installed.
>>>> The python config (for Linux) is then done in
>>>> ~/.ipython/
>>> Hi,
>>> I've changed python-mode a little bit.
>>> Purpose was to make movements a little bit easier,
>>> more predictible.
>>> Comments welcome.
>>> BTW have a look at pydb from Rocky Bernstein, if not done already.
>>> Andreas
>> I see you have a pycomplete. Nicholaj Schum has jus put together a
>> company mode backend for pysmell. How does pycomplete compare to
>> pysmell?
> Thats part of the package kept by Barry Warsaw.  Made a branch from it,
> but changed only python-mode.el.
> I'm not sure to keep this files in my branch or not.
> Nonetheless, thanks for your question. I shall have a look at it and try
> an answer next days.
> BTW as more things are at stake as python-mode.el, what would you think
> about an archiv
> emacs-python, where all the stuff to edit python-code with emacs is
> collected?

To be honest, my feeling is that the last thing anyone needs is yet
another python place. The wiki is already a mess of questions and
answers and mode specific difficulties. Tie that in with emacs 23/22 and
ipython or not, the numerous ways you can do python completion etc, it
needs to be simplified not extended.

Thanks for the heads up about pydb btw, nice.

> For me Launchpad seems perfect for such a thing with its email- and
> bug-report-integration.
> There we could discuss the probably best emacs-python configuration -
> which will change,
> if someone brings up new things.

I think the emacs wiki is best for this stuff purely because its "there"
and there are numerous utilities to integrate emacs with emacs wiki
pages. Just keep links to relevant pages.

You might be right : point the wiki to launchpad and remove all the out
of date stuff. What do others think?

> Andreas
>>> --


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