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Re: Emacs as a C Programming IDE Configuration?

From: Richard Riley
Subject: Re: Emacs as a C Programming IDE Configuration?
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 15:50:06 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110018 (No Gnus v0.18) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

haziz <> writes:

> I use emacs as my main IDE for programming in C. I am exploring ways of
> configuring emacs to function more as an IDE rather than as a simple text
> editor. Of course I want syntax highlighting and preferably some code
> completion. I also want separate buffers to allow shell commands and to M-x
> compile. I want it to open into this multi-buffer form automatically when
> visiting a C source file, rather than having to launch each buffer 
> separately. I
> will be using this mainly for Linux/BSD Unix development, though I also code 
> on
> Mac OS X (again Unix) and Windows (Windows 7 64bit).
> I explored the Emacs Starter Kit posted by Phil Hagelberg (technomancy), but 
> it
> seems very oriented towards dynamic languages and use of git. I use emacs 
> mainly
> for developing in C and use mercurial for VC. I am also a relative newbie 
> making
> configuration of emacs relatively daunting for me.
> I am now playing with CEDET and the Emacs Code Browser (ECB) package which is 
> more along the lines of what I want, but is still not perfect.
> Any suggestions on customizing emacs as a C programming IDE welcome.

auto-complete is far and away the best completion system IMO. I am sure
it can interface to CEDET/Semantic - if you can get CEDET installed and
working properly - it seems many people can not and moved away from
it. Recent "bovine errors" in javascript files caused me to turn it off
again. Here is an out of date c setup I used for a while : it shows
integration of lint, cdecl and make for a start : navigation of make
errors etc.

It also includes some gdb integration, but I stopped using gdb some time
ago as the emacs integration seemed to keep freezing. It might be ok
again. Try it.

The underlying VCS shouldnt be an issue :both magit and the newer egg
are super emacs interfaces to git. But of course legacy can not always
be lost ;) I cant comment on the mercurial interfaces to emacs.

Use global or xcscope for your tagging. I prefer the idea of gnu global
but the documentation is a obstacle imo. The global htags (html source
code map) is a really nice bonus with global so it might be worth
persevering with.

If you google "emacs google gtags" you will find code which auto updates
your tags file when you save your files too.

best of luck!


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