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Re : Re: Emacs as a C Programming IDE Configuration?

From: hjuvi
Subject: Re : Re: Emacs as a C Programming IDE Configuration?
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:01:43 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

I have forgotten a few things that I should mention...
Globally, the idea is that many default settings are not convenient (at least 
for me)...
- I have redefined Alt-left/down/right keys for cut/copy/paste : standard 
shortcuts are not easy...
- scrolling bar on left side: emacs is the only application to put it on left 
side. In Emacs-IDE, I've changed it to right side, this is not optional yet...
- on older versions of Emacs, mouse wheel mode was not set, I enable it.
- mouse-wheel-progressive-speed is disabled, I find it awful...
- There are some other little options that I have redefined because I don't 
like the default setting (I can't list them all, see
 - NB: this is not up-to-date, I have already removed some of them, but this is 
the last official release).

Maybe I should define a global option to make all of these personnal settings 

But in the beginning, the idea was to provide a user-friendly IDE. And many 
default settings are not user-friendly to me.
Also many useful options are not set by default, whereas they are very useful 
in the context of an IDE: which-function-mode, line-number-mode, 
column-number-mode, show-paren-mode...

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