James Freer <jessejazza3.uk@gmail.com> writes:
I'm very grateful for the time you have spent
although now after a couple of weeks I have learnt
enough to be happy with. I've found using emacs-nox
and forgetting about the gui is worthwhile and taking
time to learn from the cheatsheet. It would be nice
to have the 'mini manual' in pdf then one could print
it out and read on the train (or similar times when
one is away from the PC).
Do my ears deceive me?! Finally a guy with class!
F*ing right!
I haven't seen the particular document, though. I will
read it tonight and probably get back to the OP with
some comments.
If you don't like to just print and read the HTML, you
can use several tools to get it to PDF. You can use
html2ps, and then ps2pdf - html2ps is in the repos,
ps2pdf is part of ghostscript, which is likewise in the
repos. (There are other ways to do this as well.)