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Re: How to tame compiler?

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: How to tame compiler?
Date: Tue, 4 May 2021 00:39:33 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.6 (2021-03-06)

* Michael Heerdegen <> [2021-05-02 08:59]:
> Jean Louis <> writes:
> > How do I go to create dynamical bindings? Help me.
> Newest Emacs versions have `dlet' to create dynamical bindings.  Here is
> the definition:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defmacro dlet (binders &rest body)
>   "Like `let*' but using dynamic scoping."
>   (declare (indent 1) (debug let))
>   `(let (_)
>      ,@(mapcar (lambda (binder)
>                  `(defvar ,(if (consp binder) (car binder) binder)))
>                binders)
>      (let* ,binders ,@body)))
> #+end_src
> Use that macro to create dynamical bindings where you really need, and
> rely on lexical binding else.

That really helped me, or I would be lost today. 

As my `rcd-template-eval' function did work, but somehow, for unknown
reasons as indicated already by developers, it started misbehaving,
and variables sometimes interpolated, sometimes not, or maybe at
second invokation not.

And I had to enclose the variables in the function within `dlet' and
now it works well. But I have to tame compiler...

This function can now generate thousands of pages, pre-process it,
process with Markdown, Asciidoctor, txt2tags, Org mode, or however,
page is written (or not process...) and produce the output.

I guess it is very inefficient. Important is that it works.

(defun wrs-generate-page (page-id)
  (dlet ((page (rcd-db-table-id-hash "pages" page-id cf-db))
         (area (rcd-db-table-id-hash "areas" (gethash "pages_area" page) cf-db))
         (template (rcd-db-table-id-hash "templates" 
                                         (or (gethash "pages_templates" page)
                                             (gethash "areas_template" area))
         (pages_title (gethash "pages_title" page))
         (pages_keywords (gethash "pages_keywords" page))
         (pages_description (gethash "pages_description" page))
         (variables (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
         (_ (hash-append variables (wrs-variables-hash nil nil nil 3)))
         (_ (hash-append variables (wrs-variables-hash (gethash "pages_area" 
         (_ (hash-append variables (wrs-variables-hash nil (gethash 
"templates_id" template))))
         (language (rcd-db-get-entry "languages" "languages_extension" 
                                     (or (gethash "pages_language" page)
                                         (gethash "areas_defaultlanguage" area))
         (_ (puthash "languages_extension" language variables))
         (_ (when (gethash "areas_company" area)
              (puthash "areas_company"
                       (rcd-db-get-entry "accounts" "accounts_name"
                                         (gethash "areas_company" area)
         (_ (hash-append variables page area template))
         (text (rcd-template-eval (gethash "pages_content" page "") '("⟦" "⟧") 
         (processor (gethash "templates_processor" template))
         (text (wrs-process-text processor text))
         (_ (puthash "pages_content" text variables))
         (template (gethash "templates_content" template))
         (open-graph-type "Article")
         (html (rcd-template-eval template '("⟦" "⟧") variables))
         (local-file (wrs-page-url page-id t)))
    (string-to-file-force html local-file)))


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