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Re: What does the error "Process <URL> not running" mean?

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: What does the error "Process <URL> not running" mean?
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2022 06:55:11 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.7.7; emacs 29.0.50

Eli Zaretskii <> writes:

>> I've tried it (with just 5 of your urls) on GNU/Linux and see the
>> same.  The network processes seem to stay in open status for quite
>> some time even though I also killed the buffer in the callback
>> function.  It's now about 5 minutes since my test and still 4 of
>> initially 8 or 9 network processes are listed as open in
>> `list-processes'.
>> I have no idea if that's intended or not.
> Isn't that the timeout till the other side closes the connection?

That's certainly possible.  At least I can say the following:

1. I've retrieved 5 urls
2. but got about 9 network processes (so multiple for some hosts)
3. and the processes stayed open for different times where the
   difference was more that the period between retrievals.

2 seems to be caused due to redirection, i.e., I fetched the http site
which redirected to the https site.

3 could be that the other sides have different timeouts.  Some
connections disappear after maybe 30 seconds, others survive 5 minutes
or even longer.  Eventually, they'll all disappear.


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