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Re: stats say SBCL is 78 875 % faster than natively compiled Elisp

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: stats say SBCL is 78 875 % faster than natively compiled Elisp
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 20:38:16 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.9+54 (af2080d) (2022-11-21)

* Emanuel Berg <> [2023-02-16 22:47]:
> They say CL (with SBCL) is fast; and that natively compiled
> Elisp is a good step from byte-compiled Elisp, and a huge leap
> from not compiling it at all! However, compared to CL/SBCL our
> beloved Elisp/Emacs is still just a turtle on steroids ...

Emacs Lisp is not designed for mission critical applications such as
controlling rockets in the orbit. But wait, let me see:

M-x mission-control

Ah, it's there. 

Speed does not matter for purposes I need, like sales, handling
people, communicating with people.

It matters for processing of e-mails, I have already re-wrote my
program that processes mailings to thousands of people from Perl to
Common Lisp to Emacs Lisp. I prefer it in Emacs Lisp as I can
integrate it way easier with everything else. That is one thing that I
may consider maybe it could be faster, because it blocks the computer,
raises some issues, like heating.

> > SBCL does not have tabulated-list-mode and integrated editor
> > in the programming environment
> Oh, we have Emacs for that! Check this out, including
> instructions how to install a bunch of stuff ...
> It's SLIME ... as you know well! You are just goofing
> around. That's okay.

Is SLIME related to tabulated-list-mode?

Anyway, when I program Common Lisp, I just plain built-in lisp-mode
and it works well.

> But while I got it to work, the level of integration is still
> below what we have with Elisp. So I thought, with the native
> compile step, we could maybe ... but no. Need speed? Use CL.

I used it, I am not satisfied with it due to lack of integration.

To generate "list of things" in Common Lisp is simply difficult, it
needs some GUI and much work. Emacs has interface ready. The text
properties are great. They serve like switches for a key to provide
different functionality. I simply don't have those feautures in Common

There is no ready spreadsheet type of a GUI for Common Lisp where I
can make key bindings for each screen different in as simple way as
how it is in Emacs.


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