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Re: [Help-gnunet] Docs - was Re: Block order

From: Tom Barnes-Lawrence
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] Docs - was Re: Block order
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 03:54:31 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Mon, Feb 03, 2003, I myself wrote:
>  I'll post a link when there's more to look at (there's very little
> right now)

 OK, to follow up from that, it's still hardly finished, but there is
certainly stuff to read. Some of you guys have possibly noticed my
propensity for excessive verbiage! Well its been put to work here.
So if anybody's interested, the address is:

Got that? If there's anything I've put there that I shouldn't have, like
said something that is inaccurate or that will give the project bad PR, etc,
then please let me know.

 Also, as I said previously, let me know if it'd be a problem to have
alternative sources of information (I can understand people wanting to
keep the main project site as the one definitive place to find out
about the project, there is a certain sense to that), and I can take
it down and just leave that page of my site for putting my client
software on (well, *when* that exists..)

 Apart from such changes as those, I shan't be making additions to those
pages for at least a week or so, I want to get down to things like coding
and learning stuff, and everything takes me ages (even emails).


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