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Re: [Help-gnunet] GNUnet and ISDN dial-up connection

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] GNUnet and ISDN dial-up connection
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 13:32:58 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.7

On Saturday 02 October 2004 06:07, Mario Moder wrote:
> Hi,
> gnunetd 0.6.4a from Debian unstable is up and running on my linux box.
> The system runs the whole day and is connected to the net via ISDN
> (ippp0) with a dynamic IP address. Every 12 hours the connection is
> terminated by my provider and a few seconds later, the isdn system
> makes a new connection and gets a new dynamically assigned IP address.
> Can gnunetd handle this situation or should it be killed and started
> again whenever a connection is terminated and re-established with a
> new IP?

It can handle the situation if you give it a way to find out about the new 
dynamci IP address (which, if ifconfig for ippp0 shows the right IP will 
already be the case -- gnunetd will poll for IP changes every few minutes and 
quickly adjust).  The only thing you will want to change is the time after 
which your HELO's expire (in gnunetd configuration).  You probably want your 
advertisements to only be valid for about 30 minutes to 1h, that way once 
your IP changes the old advertisements time out sooner.

> Does it make sense at all to run gnunet on a dial-up connection with
> dynamic IP?

In general I would say it's ok.

> I have run a test and after a reconnection of the net interface the
> number of connected nodes drops to 0 (of course) but then it stays at
> 0 (since a few hours now).

Yes, it will drop to 0.  But if your advertisement time is shortened, it 
should recover more quickly (if your advertisement time is too short, it will 
not -- a HELO that expires after a minute is likely not going to get you any 
connections).  I'm also a bit unhappy still with the current speed at which 
gnunetd establishes new initial connections, there's probably some tweaking 
to be done here (the current code is very conservative to avoid overflowing 
the network with traffic, especially if there is just nobody to talk to; it 
could probably be made more aggressive on startup and the overall
exchange could be streamlined to have a better success rate, but that'll 
happen sometime in the future for when I plan to do some other changes to 
that code anyway).

Btw, did you read
(especially the options mentioned for dialup under "Server options"?)


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