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Re: [Help-gnunet] OK to use a FQDN for 'IP' in gnunet.conf?

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] OK to use a FQDN for 'IP' in gnunet.conf?
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 13:08:13 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.7.2

On Friday 11 February 2005 23:55, Brent Miller wrote:
> One more thing. It's been a while since I've tried to download anything
> off of gnunet and today I gave it a try on my home machine and noticed
> that gnunet-download and gnunet-gtk both use up *a lot* of cpu when
> they're downloading large (300 MB+) files. On my athlon-xp 1700+, both
> will easily use up all my cpu and bog down my system in the process.
> With gnunet-gtk, I can see that there are well over 3000 active requests
> for one file, which I assume is what's eating up all the cpu. Did
> something change in the code in the last six months or so? I've haven't
> had this problem in the past. Any suggestions? Running GNUnet-0.6.6a on
> debian sid.

Well, I'm not sure how 3000 active requests alone would eat up all of your CPU 
-- the code should do something like check all active requests every 50ms or 
so, and going over a little bit of code 3000 times should not really keep 
your machine that busy.  So overall, I'm not sure why you see it consume so 
much more CPU (and there have obviously been a lot of changes in 6 months).  
You could compile gnunet-gtk with profilings support (-pg) and look at the 
gprof output to find out where the cycles are spent. 

Alternatively, I'd suggest to just 'nice' the process, that should keep the 
rest of your system responsive.  You can also try to make sure that you 
compile the code with -O2 (may help a bit). 

I wonder if anyone else is having a problem with high CPU utilization by the 
_clients_ (not gnunetd)?


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