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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Help making a second player locally -- did the fir

From: Andy Armstrong
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Help making a second player locally -- did the first one get thru?
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 01:51:46 +0000

Hi Christian,

Thank you for your extended support - it is very useful and I am very thankful.

Taking a look at the code you have highlighted - I could for instance do a rather bad hack - but would fix the problem by using the team colour which is passed into that function - and if it is a specific colour - return false - so it wont attack?

As for the option on collaborate locally - will the armies split into two pools instead of just one then - and the armies simply follow whose closest?

Thank you very much,


Andrew Armstrong
Tel: (+44)01962 815 898
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E-mail: address@hidden
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From: "Christian Mauduit" <address@hidden>
To: "Main discussion list for Liquid War 6,        a unique multiplayer wargame" <address@hidden>
Date: 16/11/2009 23:35
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Help making a second player locally -- did         the first one get thru?
Sent by: address@hidden


On Mon, November 16, 2009 10:36 am, Andy Armstrong wrote:
> Thank you very much!
> I however have a couple of other modifications that I would need.
> I would want the 2 local players to be playing against the computer
> co-operatively. So they would be helping one another instead of being a
> deathmatch.
OK, I think I undestand what you need but I still need some precisions:
- if you want two cursors to collaborate having the same color, that is,
sharing the same fighters which follow whichever cursor is the closest,
this is possible. You should be able to do it by activating the "Rules"->
"Can collaborate locally" option. BTW you were pretty right by assuming
lw6-make-cursor is involved in doing this.
- if you want two different colors, that is two distinct pools of fighters
which do not attack each other, it's in theory possible, but in practice,
right now, the game is unable to handle it. I guess it's a hairy patch to
do for you'll somewhat need to patch the real core of the game. This is
not impossible at all. I hacked the "one-way" stuff in a couple nights, so
it does not mean lots of code, only code that is executed very-very-very
often needs to be patched, and well, the core algorithm and its internal
look like "pointer-hell-on-earth" ;) I'm exagerating a bit, it's not
*that* spooky but you'd somewhat need to keep in a table (or hardcode
somehow) the fact that, for instance, team 0 must not attack team 1. The
code concerning this is here :
Indeed this is where one decides "OK this is an ennemy, I attack". Should
you patch this function so that it returns false in some cases (for
instance, a friend is there) then those would not be attacked ;) To be
honest, that's a form of gameplay I thought of some time ago, but never
took time to code for I judged it a little complex to handle when playing,
knowing people can appear on the map any time with any color.

Any idea welcome.

Thanks for your interest in the game, and have a nice day,


Christian Mauduit <address@hidden> - ___ __/\__
Liquid War 6 -     / _")\~ \~/
"Les amis de la vérité sont ceux qui la cherchent et non _/ /   /_ o_\
ceux qui se vantent de l'avoir trouvée" - Condorcet     (__/      \/

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