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[Koha-devel] scripts running in shell => checking for documentation

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] scripts running in shell => checking for documentation
Date: Tue Mar 8 06:51:30 2005
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Hello all,

I want to speak of all scripts that can de run in a shell (to write some doc)

For all those scripts, i describe :
- author
- status in 2.2
- feature

PLEASE comment, confirm, add,... every script entry.

* misc/overduenotices.pl
- Nelsonville (i've improved it recently, modifs untested yet)
- work in 2.2
- This script send mail to patrons having late issues.

* misc/fines2.pl
- Katipo
- Probably don't work anymore in 2.2
- calculates fines.

* misc/notify/notes.pl
- Katipo
- Probably don't work anymore in 2.2
- calculates fines too ?

* misc/merge_authority.pl
- Paul Poulain
- work in 2.2
- This script (new in CVS) merges 2 authorities by reporting all "mergefrom" authority entries in biblio to the "mergeto" authority. (script in shell because can be longer than apache timeout)

(all of them should be in migration_tool directory, even if some/most are not. I'll move them soon)

* build_marc_word.pl
- Nelsonville
- work in 2.2 ?
- MARC21 only, that builds a new marc_word table with a reduced number of tags (only those tags that should be searched) allowing for faster and more accurate searching when used with the SearchMarc routines.

* bulkauthimport.pl
- Paul Poulain
- was intended to help migrating authority files.
- Probably don't work.

* cleanmarcdb.pl
- Paul Poulain
- Has not been updated to work with frameworks, does not work in 2.2, should be "easy" to update. - was intended to clean the MARC-DB by removing unused subfields (from marc structure).

* compare_iso_and_marc_parameters.pl
- Paul Poulain
- Show all MARC subfields in a iso2709 that are not defined in MARC structure & all subfields in MARC structure that are not used in iso2709. Useful to check a data migration (with bulkmarcimport) - worked in 2.0, will use only default framework in 2.2, but otherwise, should still work.

* dumparc.pl
- Paul Poulain
- work, I use it almost every day
- dump an iso2709 file to a human readable form.

* koha2marc.pl
- Paul Poulain
- should still work in 2.2. However, useful only for MARC=OFF libraries, and I don't have such libraries as customers.
- script to migrate from 1.2 to 2.0 (non MARC datas)

* rebuildnonmarcdb.pl
- Paul Poulain
- work in 2.2
- script that rebuilds the non MARC-DB (after modif in the MARC parameters & mapping for example).

* rebuildthesaurus.pl
- will be deleted soon, useless (was useful before MARC authorities)

* update_marcsubjects.pl
- Waylon Robertson
- Status unknown in 2.2, should work
- This script is useful only for libraries with MARC=OFF (MARC=0) It rebuild the subjects in the MARC table from the non MARC tables.

* buildLANG.pl
- Paul Poulain
- work in 2.2
- rebuilds the LANG authorised value list from the biblios. This LANG authorised value list has to be connected with language marc subfields.

* buildEDITORS.pl
- Paul Poulain
- work in 2.2
- small script to recreate a authority table into Koha.
This will parse all your biblios to recreate isbn / editor / collections for the unimarc_210c and unimarc_225a plugins.

* build6xx.pl
- Paul Poulain
- Does not work & is not supposed to work from scratch.
- This script rebuild the thesaurus/authorities from the biblios. Useful during migration, and ALWAY NEED tuning to fit your exact DB structure. Impossible to do a work "out of the box script"

* bulkmarcimport.pl
- Paul Poulain
- work in 2.2
- the well known script to import datas into a DB, during migration. Works, although often needs some tuning.

* check_marc_definition.pl
- Paul Poulain
- work in 2.2
- Script that compare the datas in the DB and the setting of MARC structure. It show all fields/subfields that are in the MARC DB but NOT in any tab (= fields used but not visible) Usually, this means you made an error in your MARC editor. Sometimes, this is something normal.
Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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