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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] helping newcomers start blogs - but where?

From: John Rooke
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] helping newcomers start blogs - but where?
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 07:42:27 +0100

On Thu, 2017-08-17 at 17:25 -0500, J.B. Nicholson wrote:

> Any third-party hosting can run aground of censorship -- find yourself 
> saying something other people don't want to read? Recent events at 
> Cloudflare[1] show us that claims to not "monitor, evaluate or judge" 
> quickly become "I woke up this morning in a bad mood and decided to kick 
> them [Daily Stormer] off the Internet.". Quite a ways from Noam Chomsky's 
> wisdom and challenge[2] to those who think stopping publication of disliked 
> messages is the right way to go.

The example of Daily Stormer is not a good one.  The site was being used
to organise alleged criminal activity up to and including murder.  It
was hardly a case of 'waking up in a bad mood', subsequent to the death
of Heather Heyer.  Incidentally, Chomsky is rather less of a libertarian
when it comes to criticisms of his own work.

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