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Re: One word label for someone who rejects proprietary software

From: Federico Leva (Nemo)
Subject: Re: One word label for someone who rejects proprietary software
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 17:33:17 +0200
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Andrea Trentini, 16/02/20 23:34:


Propriephobic (but it conveys negative meaning, illness)

I rarely need a single word for this, but I sometimes use "softwareliberista" with friends ("liberista" usually means an advocate of the free market); for supporters of the commons some use "benicomunista" (opposite problem, rhymes with "communist").

For those who don't dislike the acronym "FOSS" or "FLOSS" it's easy to use "fosser" or "flosser" but it can get funny. Sometimes we use "Wikisourcerer" or "Wikisourceror" for Wikisource users, so one could even use "opensourceror" for fun. In fact I see someone created a Wiktionary lemma for this (apparently there are sources from 2008 and 2015).


P.s.: Roberto and C. Cossé, I don't know what clients you're using but your subthread is utterly unreadable. If you check the HTML archives I'm sure you'll see why. Some help is available for instance at:

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