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Re: Fwd: Improving the FSF in support to the GPL, RMS and staff

From: Yuchen Pei
Subject: Re: Fwd: Improving the FSF in support to the GPL, RMS and staff
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2021 17:51:30 +0200
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Julian Daich <> writes:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Julian Daich <>
Date: sáb, 3 abr 2021 a las 17:42
Subject: Improving the FSF in support to the GPL, RMS and staff
To: Free Software Foundation <>


The GPL is a recursive set of rules that empower people through the knowledge encoded in software and this empowerment is largely possible
because knowledge is independent from rhetoric.

The GPL is the main pillar of the FSF and RMS is who conceived it. The
FSF and hence the GPL are under attack by a rhetoric that links
freedom with an expected conduct when at the FSF there is not a Code
of Conduct other than its by laws.

As a member I would like to see, in fact request, a Code of Conduct that will define and differentiate the expected behaviour of members,
staff and Board Members with emphasis which personal acts can be
performed on behalf of the FSF or not( for example asking personal favors while traveling or using FSF infrastructure as.her or his own).

I don't see how a new CoC would help.

We already have a Libreplanet CoC ( and GNU Kind Communications Guidelines ( etc.

CoCs in other organisations have been misused or ignored (e.g. gnome foundation).

Also as a member consider that the Code of Conduct have to include
gender and anti harassment policies and, as a male, that those
policies will include not to be harassed by linking social status with
male sexuality.

I am in Boston for the next two months and offer myself to help in everything I can in solving this issue and eventually draft a Code of Conduct. Also invite members and staff to do the same, including those
staff members that are willing to leave. Many of them I know
personally, appreciate and would like to have them in a renewed FSF.



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