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Re: [liquidwar-user] Liquid War tenth birthday

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: Re: [liquidwar-user] Liquid War tenth birthday
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2005 09:31:09 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050611)

Dave Vasilevsky a écrit :
> Thanks Christian! I'll check it out later, but I just want to make  sure
> that you used the most recent changes: http://
> main/finkinfo/games/liquidwar.patch?rev=1.3
OK I'll check that ASAP.

> Also note that Liquid War still needs a modified Allegro to build on  OS
> X, I should really talk to the Allegro people again to see about 
> including my patches.
mmm, Allegro 4.2 is on the rocks (beta4 AFAIK, LW 5.6.3 relies on it) so
it might still be time to check your changes in.

> Cool! Can I ask what your (very-preliminary) plans are? (ie: What  kind
> of features are you hoping to add? Are you going to stick with  Allegro?)
Of course I'll make a detailed statement, a true ".plan" which should
help people understand where I'm heading, how I justify a complete
rewrite, why it's worth waiting for so long, and what all these killing
features that can't fit in 5.x.x are. But even if describing this takes
less time than coding it, it still does take time 8-) Basically most
changes concern graphical rendering and network mode. But of course
you'll get details. On this mailing-list and also on the web site.

Have a nice day,


Christian Mauduit <address@hidden>     __/\__ ___
                                        \~/ ~/(`_ \   ___                   /_o _\   \ \_/ _ \_            \/      \___/ \__)

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