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[Mldonkey-users] unstable-2-02-6

From: MLdonkey
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] unstable-2-02-6
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 23:53:24 +0100

2003/01/22: Simon (tag unstable-2-02-6)
  * Mainly a bug-fix release for 2-02-5. Lots of features still missing
     (sources'scores are not saved, lastreqs,cancelled files sources not
      immediatly removed,...)

  - Fix: problem with downloads never starting
  - Fix: problem with partial chunks not saved
  - Added in the HTTP interface
  - Better information on request results for each client
  - New option 'verbosity'to choose which warnings to display. 

2003/01/19: Simon
  - Replaced date using floats by ints (lots of new bugs...)
      Please, signal any incompatibility with guis (mldonkeywatch...)

2003/01/17: Simon
  - Started implementing new source management system

2003/01/16: Simon
  - Global change to use int64 instead of int32 everywhere. I hope I didnot
      forget places, otherwise big bugs.

2003/01/16: Fabrice
  - Added doc/overnet.txt

2003/01/15: Simon
  - DonkeySources1: 
    * Old sources are stored in two queues to always start by the best
    * FIX: Connected sources are also saved
    * FIX: Connected sources are also printed

2003/01/14: Simon
  - DonkeyInteractive: FIX: "out-of-bound"error
  - DriverControlers: shorter help
  - DonkeyProtoClient: 
      * FIX: for cDonkey, send both QueryChunksReq and QueryFileReq
  - DonkeyOneFile: fixed non-shared partial downloads at startup
  - Options: values can be aliases to reduce space usage (
     used in file_sources.ini)
  - DonkeySources1: 
      * FIX: sources are sorted to avoid recently-connected sources in 
     front of the queue.
      * clients ranking > 1000 put in concurrent_sources, not good
  - DonkeyClient: 
      * connection lifetime of connection set to 1 minute, and
            if either peer uploads or downloads
      * FIX: challenge is also send for incomning connection
      * ban clients with queue ranking > 1000 and send them a message
      * send a bad QueueRanking  to banned clients asking to enter
          the queue.
  - CommonOption: save_options_delay default set to 15 minutes
  - config/ IRC compiled by default

- MLDonkey

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