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Re: [Mldonkey-users] HELP PLEASE!

From: Der Lockruf des Kaos
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] HELP PLEASE!
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 10:40:38 +0200

Hm ok i'll try it :)

First you need the Sources, best from the CVS Repository
I assume that you have cvs installed on your Computer.

CVS Sources:
Change to a Directory, where you want the Sources of mldonkey to be stored.
then type "cvs -z4 -d:ext:address@hidden:/cvsroot/mldonkey co mldonkey"
to checkout the Sources. You might be asked to add the RSA Key to you 
knownhosts, if so type yes.
This might take a while.

Next Step would be to compile mldonkey :)
Therefore change into the mldonkey Directory:
cd mldonkey
Then type "./configure --help" to see all Options that are available.
Choose the right one that are suitable for you.
I compiled it with the following Options:
"./configure --prefix=/home/Programs/ --enable-batch --enable-gtk2 
--prefix: Where to install it if it successfully compiles
--enable-batch: I use this because i don't have ocaml and lablgtk installed, so 
this Options compiles these for you and uses it automatically for mldonkey. --> 
Very good Option :)
--enable-gtk2:  Compiles the gtk2 Frontend/Gui/Graphical User Interface instead 
of the gtk One
--enable-pthread: Enables the Use of Multithreading

If this all succeeds you're almost finished.
You can either make "make install" to install mldonkey to /home/Programs/ or 
you write a little Script that just copies all important
Stuff from the old mldonkey Directory to the new One:
I did write a Script, much better for me :)

If you want use that Script you should copy this Lines below and save them to a 
File named MlDonkeyUpdater or something similar and 
change the Permissions of this file "chmod 755 MlDonkeyUpdater"
Place the Script on the same Directorylevel as the mldonkey Sources Directory
What it does:

(Note: MlEsel is the german Translation of mldonkey, so don't be confused, i 
just don't want to change 20 Appearances of the Word, i might change it to what 
ever you like :) )

- Move the old mldonkey Directory with all the important Informations ( 
Downloads, Statistiks, .... ) to Directory MlEsel-<date>
- Create a new empty MlEsel Directory
- Copy all important Stuff from from the Sources Directory of mldonkey to the 
newly created MlEsel Directory
- Copy all important old Informations from the backupded MlEsel-<date> Directory
- Change the Owner of that files to your login --> <login>:users please change 
this to your login :)
- "Fertig" -> Ready to launch MlDonkey ;)
- Be sure to delete the old MlEsel-<date> Directories from Time to Time, i just 
keep the last 3-4 Backups.

This Skript "installs" MlDonkey on the same Directory-Level as the mldonkey 
Sources Directory, so please don't change MlEsel to mldonkey because,
then you are going to install it in the Sources Directory, which would a bad 
Idea ;)
Choose something else or rewrite the Script so that it copies the Files 
somewhere else.

#! /bin/bash

MLESEL_ALT="MlEsel-`date +%Y.%m.%d`"

echo -e "--------------------\n"
echo -e "Alten MlEsel sichern...\n"
#mv MlEselAlt MlEselAlt-`date +%Y.%m.%d`
#mv MlEsel MlEselAlt
mv MlEsel ${MLESEL_ALT}

echo -e "------------------------------\n"
echo -e "Verzeichnis MlEsel anlegen...\n"
mkdir -p MlEsel

echo -e 
echo -e "Alle notwendigen Dateien von ./${MLESEL_ALT}/ nach ./MlEsel/ kopieren 
cp ./${MLESEL_ALT}/*.ini ./MlEsel/
cp ./${MLESEL_ALT}/*.met ./MlEsel/
cp ./${MLESEL_ALT}/store_* ./MlEsel/
cp ./${MLESEL_ALT}/MlEsel ./MlEsel/
cp ./${MLESEL_ALT}/MlEselGUI ./MlEsel/
cp ./${MLESEL_ALT}/MlEselGUI2 ./MlEsel/

echo -e "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
echo -e "Alle notwendigen Dateien von ./mldonkey/ nach ./MlEsel/ kopieren ...\n"
cp ./mldonkey/ml*  ./MlEsel/
chown -R <login>:users ./MlEsel

echo -e "-------\n"
echo -e "Fertig!\n"


Then the next Step might be, that you want to start MlDonkey:
You do so with typeing ./mlnet -gui_port <Some Port> for Example 12345

Again you can write a little Script:
Again copy this to a file and change the Permissions like the file above.

#! /bin/bash
cd /home/Programs/MlEsel &&
./mlnet -gui_port <Some Port> &
This starts an mldonkey.

Now you can connect to MlDonkey via:
- telnet
- http
- Gui

I prefer http and Gui.
I can only use one of these or both simultanously.

For http just Open your Browser and type 
http://localhost:<httpPort specified in downloads.ini>                          
( http_port = xxx )

For the Gui you would type:
./mlgui -hostname localhost -port <Some Port> -login <Login> -password 
<Password> &
Again you can write a Script that does this for you.
Again copy this to a file and change the Permissions like the file above.

#! /bin/bash
cd /home/Programs/MlEsel &&
./mlgui -hostname localhost -port <Some Port> -login <Login> -password 
<Password> &

Before starting MlDonkey, you should change some Settings.

mldonkey_gui.ini: login = "<Login>"
mldonkey_gui.ini: password = "<Password>"

 allowed_ips = [
- MlDonkey only accepts Connections from your local Computer not via Internet 
or LAN

"Must be" Directory View: (Otherwise my Scripts won't work)
ls -al
MlEsel-<date>           ( if you already used the Updatescript )

The Script which start the MlDonkey Core/Server/Backend, can be stored to 
/usr/local/bin or something similar.
The Script which start the MlDonkey GUI/Client/Frontend, can be stored to 
/usr/local/bin or something similar, too.

If all runs fine, enjoy it and be sure to take some Time to read through the 
Mass of Options of mldonkey where many are also important to
make MlDonkey run good and smooth  ( At the Moment gkrellm says, MlDonkey 
downloads with 70-80KB/s, thats good i think ;) )

In the GUI you can enable/disable the different Networks you like (Gnutella1/2, 
Fasttrack, ...) in the first Tab called "Networks". ;)

Uff, this was my first larger Answer to this Mailinglist, hope this gets better 
over Time ;)
And to all off you, if i said something wrong, please correct me!
If you have any further Questions, just ask the Mailinglist :)

Greets to all MlDonkey Users,

( Note: My English isn't the best, but you should be able to read the Context :)


Am Sun, 22 Aug 2004 15:06:23 +1000
schrieb "Jamie Walks" <address@hidden>:

> Hello,
> I cant find any sort of support on this mldonkey, so i hope this is the 
> right support email.
> I need help with mldonkey. I cant figure out how to install it. It obviously 
> is'nt something that you download, install and use. Can someone give me some 
> understandable english instructions on how to install it. I want something 
> that connects to fasttrack, gnutella1 and gnutella2, and mldonkey seams 
> appropriate. I dont know what a core is, i dont know what a gui is and i 
> bearly know what a patch is. Please someone out there, Give me a hand!
> Please Help!
> Seeya
>        Jamie Walks
> address@hidden
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