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[Pan-users] Changes in PAN article navigation.

From: pan
Subject: [Pan-users] Changes in PAN article navigation.
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 09:53:06 +0200 (CEST)

Hi there,

Recently, i've started to use the PAN CVS compiles to see where PAN's
future is heading, etc.. and i've come across a certain change in the way
PAN responds to keyboard navigation.

Here's what I normally used to do:

I use the keyboard's cursor-keys to select the article I want to read, and
press "enter". Then, before starting to read it, i'd move the select-box
in the article-pane to the next article i'd like to read, after the
current one. This way, all i would have to do after having finished
reading the current article, was to press "Enter" to get the next one.
Often, while the "selected" article was still loading, I'd move the
selection to the _next_ article i'd like to see (not neccaserily the next
article in the thread/group, btw).

The problem with the current CVS Pan's is that it has adopted the current
behaviour in the last two compiles that i tried out (current one is

The moment i use the keyboard to move to another article, the body-pane
will blank itself... preventing me from reading _anything_ of that
article. The same is true when you use middle-click with the mouse to
"select but not download" an article. I guess these two modes of selection
(moving the select-box across the screen with the cursors but not pressing
'enter' and using the middle mouse-button do pretty much the same thing).

My question is: is there any particular reason for this behaviour ? It's
really handicapping my enjoyment of reading news-postings in certain
groups. My request would be to "disable blanking of body-pane on 'changing
article selection' actions". Or to allow this to be enabled/disabled in

I hope somebody could tell me if there's solid technical/essential reasons
this has changed to the way it works now, and if there's a possibility of
it being re-instated if i submit a feature/bug request/report about it.

Thanks for your time ! :)

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