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Re: [Pan-users] Re: Mutlipart posts?

From: fred
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Re: Mutlipart posts?
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 20:28:52 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060913)

Travis wrote:
----Original Message----
[mailto:address@hidden] On Behalf Of fred
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 13:13
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Re: Multipart posts?

Duncan wrote:
fred <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Sat, 30 Sep 2006
11:36:34 -0500:

With all the memory improvements lately (thanks Charles really
helped me a lot) I was wondering if pan could carry it to the
screen. When you have multipart post like partX.rar could pan
them so
 all one
would see is one entry. This is assuming that they are already
stored as something like varible+varitation.rar. You could view
part is missing essentially by hitting a icon of some sort. This
would clean up the header subject area and make it easier to find
stuff. Depending on how it was done I would assume it could speed
sorting time as well. Just a thought.

pan actually already does that for multi-parts.  That is, when a
single file is spread over multiple posts, pan combines it into a
single header (unless it detects it incorrectly for some reason).
With the changes a couple releases ago (so with 0.113 or so, don't
remember exactly and don't care sufficiently to go look it up),
will show up with a /3 or /5 or /10 or whatever, indicating that
actual posts combined to make the single multi-part post,
generally with only a single attached file.
To see what I mean, try saving a single rar entry as shown in pan,
but save BOTH the attachment and the text.  It's very likely that
you'll have only one attachment, but have the generally 5-10 actual
text articles shown in the /X in the subject -- the actual posts
combined to make the single attachment, that pan displayed as only
single entry.
However, with rar in particular, but also some other file types,
not uncommon to split a huge file into multiple smaller files at
posting end, /before/ posting them.  Each of those smaller files is
/still/ likely split over multiple posts, and pan combines the
for each file, but does NOT combine the posts for multiple files,
they RAR or other file type.  From my perspective, I think that's
best, as adding yet another layer of combination makes it just that
much easier for pan to mis-parse something and have the entire
series screwed up.


I was clear on what was going on. I just disagree with your

There is no need to see what part is missing, just let PAR tell you
how many blocks are needed for a repair.

You do need to know how many parts are missing. If a lot of the post is missing their is no sense downloading it. A lot of feeder servers are not the greatest so one often sees posts that are not reasonably salvageable. Sometimes when being uploaded from slower posters it may take a week for all the parts to show up. Whatever the cause it is prudent to be able to check on the status. If a post has completed on both ends but not the middle, one can assume that it is a bad post. If the start and middle are fine but the end is missing, it may be that the poster is just slow. Without a way of inspecting there is no way to determine between the two conditions (hopeless versus patients).

As far as waiting until 1.1 (or whatever) for this feature not a problem for me.


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