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[Pan-users] FAQ: List of most heavily requested features, now targeted a

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] FAQ: List of most heavily requested features, now targeted at 1.1 stable
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 03:15:13 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.131 (Ghosts: First Variation)

It occurs to me that I've not seen an all-in-one-place listing of the 
most heavily requested features, with Charles agreeing they make sense, 
but which would now be targeted at 1.1 stable (after the next stable, 
1.0).  Perhaps it's time to change that. =8^)

Most heavily requested features, now targeted at 1.1:

1) Group categories

A user customizable third tree level, between subscribed groups and the 
actual group names.  Whether nesting would be allowed remains to be seen.

2) Auto-download/mark-read/delete, based on scores.

Simplest option implementation proposed so far would be three dropdowns 
as follows ([]indicates dropdown list, possible defaults indicated, 
disabled an option as well, score-levels as currently in the colors 


        Download posts scored at least [Watched]
        Mark-read posts scored at most [Negative/low]

        Delete posts scored at most [Ignored]

3) Printing

Charles plans on reimplementing printing, using the new GTK+ printing 

Anybody see anything else often requested that I've missed?  From here, 
it looks like that would cover the most requested items, tho there are of 
course other minor (less often requested) requests and details (including 
my own, the ability to score on headers and body as downloaded, not just 
on headers available in the overviews before download).

Darren, you may wish to put this in your WIKI, if it's not there 
already.  Charles, what about updating that "hideously out of date" TODO 
file?  =8^)  Or just remove it if it's not going to be maintained, and 
add a FAQ file, with these listed at the top, and put on your list for 
1.1 to reexamine the FAQ again.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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