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Re: [Pan-users] 502 rejected by RADIUS: (no message)

From: Paul J. Dudley
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] 502 rejected by RADIUS: (no message)
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 21:09:50 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

Hello again, and thanks again.

>I read they have a 5 gig limit on downloads per month.  Have you
>exceeded it?

Not sure .. but the way I understood it was that when you do reach some
threshold that your download speed was decreased - to something more like dialup speed .. 96k?

>Have you tried changing news servers:
>    *
>    *
>    *

I have tried them all.. That was one of the first things I did try.

Server requires autherization and is checked off - username/pw, and
always has been.

>It's been a while since I used the old Pan Look for a servers
>preferences and see if there is an option for setting the number of
>connexions to the server.

Tools, News Servers - connection limit is set to 3 (has been). Tried changing
2, 4, ... nothing.

They did say that they would contact me 24 - 48 hours and hopefully this isn't just "the brush off". In the mean time I will compose excerpts from suggestions you've all passed on into a file and send it to the person who contacts me.
Your suggestions sound more in nature of the problem than the stuff they've
fed me thus far. Worst case - I move my email to Embarq and find a news server

I will surely post more when they "call me in 24 - 48 hors".

Thanks again y'all..


( isn't this exciting ....  .. @$#!^%&(+.,! ) ... NOT!

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