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Re: [security-discuss] gnuradio project DoS attacks GNU wget users

From: Anonymous
Subject: Re: [security-discuss] gnuradio project DoS attacks GNU wget users
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2017 18:15:24 +0100

Alfred M. Szmidt said:

>    You've obviously missed some posts.  This is what lynx looks like over
>    Tor:
> No it dosn't.
>    That's a denial of service.
> No it isn't.

Are you going to support those claims?

You didn't counter the arguments you are responding to; this is merely
a position statement, which is useless.  Please explain how the
screenshot lies, if this is what you're trying to say.

Please note this was sent anonymously, so the "From:" address will be unusable.
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