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Re: [Social-discuss] What I think GNU Social's structure should be

From: Carlo von Loesch
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] What I think GNU Social's structure should be
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 08:16:37 +0200 (CEST)

Ted Smith typeth:
| The AGPL is effectively useless against the SaaS threat. For more info,
| see
| <>.

I just listened to Stallman's SaaS lecture.

Recently I started to notice how it is becoming harder to own a server.
I always had my server applications running safely on my own hardware
that an ISP would only be able to mess around with by switching it off,
or on some trustworthy owner's hardware. Nowadays it's become a
financial factor - if I want to use commodity server services, I have to
accept I am running in a VM - and that gives the ISP automizable access
to all of my data.

Stallman's point of view on SaaS is far from extreme. He's just a step
ahead of everybody else. My largest work of software is an application
designed to run on federated servers, so by saying what I say I am not
exactly lobbying for my own work:

I don't see a solution worthy of the name "Gnu Social" and in accordance
to the views of RMS, if it is running on a commodity server. It must at
least be a physical server technologically protected from access by the
company hosting it. I tend to see a future in social networks going P2P,
as P2P has always been the ultimate social technology by architectural
design. It's just casual it has always been used for heavy duty tasks
like telephony, television, file sharing rather than for status updates.

| In my system, you would just need to write a transport for HTTP/HTTPS. I
| think it's critical to have modular transports even if we don't go with
| a UI/core structure, so that we can avoid committing ourselves to one
| transport protocol.

My PSYC server supports PSYC over HTTP, but that's not a web hook. It
switches to native PSYC protocol once the connection is established.
It also has that for upgrading from XMPP.  :)

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