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Re: [STUMP] Contrib

From: tycho garen
Subject: Re: [STUMP] Contrib
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 12:06:40 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.19 (2009-01-05)

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 05:18:23PM +0530, Deepak Tripathi wrote:
> I feel that main branch should have only source for StumpWM rest either
> will go to another branch (say addons) where all addons goes.

Using multiple branches for separate strands of content isn't terribly
ideal. So I think practically it needs to be either in the same repo, or
in a different repo, but just to avoid weird hard to manage solutions.

So here are some ideas:

1) we put the default contrib directory in the default path, so that
   people can optionally load modules as they see fit. It won't break
   things, and I suppose we just need to make sure that user specified
   paths take precedence.

2) We have some sort of wiki or stumpwm-forge and don't distribute any
   modules with the core WM. This is a la emacs-wiki, and I suspect that
   most of the people who are likely to be comfortable with stump are
   likely to be comfortable with emacswiki so that shouldn't be to bad.

3) We just integrate and accept patches and modules wildly with only
   cursory review. The reason to be more careful about commit access and
   including new code is to avoid regressions, malicious content, and
   what not. But it seems that these are infrastrcture/logistical
   problems: testing, CI, conversations. I'm not much of a lisper, but
   the logistics stuff I can help with. If that's what people (and the
   current maintainers) want.

> Also I support nice wiki pages for document/addon.As of now StumpWM
> lakes nice newbie documentation.

Oh documentation. I'm a technical writer by trade and would be willing
to help out with documentation and have thought about what various
tutorials would look like, but it's been (so far) pretty far down on my
list. Hrm. Is there anyone else on the list who has some time they want
to put towards documentation? I'm game, but I don't think I have the
time to do this alone.


tycho(ish) @
"don't get it right, get it written" -- james thurber

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