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[STUMP] How can I generate an unique file for emacsclient --eval '(load

From: Feng Shu
Subject: [STUMP] How can I generate an unique file for emacsclient --eval '(load file)'
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 06:31:23 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi everyone,

The below configure is stumpwm configure for emacs,
My question is that how can I write a function which
can generate an unique file, like emacs lisp function `with-temp-file',
so I can generate a temp file instead use *emacsclient-load-file*

#+begin_src common-lisp

(setq *stumpwmrc-file* "~/project/stumpwm-config/stumpwmrc")
(set-contrib-dir "~/project/stumpwm-contrib/")
(setq *swank-loader-file* "~/project/emacs-packages/slime/swank-loader.lisp")
(setq *emacs-daemon-name* "default")
(setq *emacsclient-load-file* "~/.stumpwm.d/emacsclient-load-file.el")

;; load Swank so we can connect with SLIME
(load *swank-loader-file*)
(defvar *swank-p* nil)

;; define swank command to start swank server on port 4005
(defcommand swank () ()
  "Starts a swank server on port 4005 and notifies the user."
  (setf stumpwm:*top-level-error-action* :break)
  (if *swank-p*
      (message "Swank server already running.")
        (swank:create-server :port 4005
                             :style swank:*communication-style*
                             :dont-close t)
        (setf *swank-p* t)
        (message "Starting swank on port 4005."))))

(defcommand slime () ()
      (require 'slime)
      (slime-connect "" "4005"))))

(defun my-run-or-raise (cmd props &optional (all-groups 
                                    (all-screens *run-or-raise-all-screens*))
  (let* ((group (current-group))
         (frames (when (eq (type-of group) 'tile-group)
                   (group-frames group))))
    (if (> (length frames) 1)
        (run-or-pull cmd props all-groups all-screens)
        (run-or-raise cmd props all-groups all-screens))))

(defcommand emacs-daemon-kill-soft () ()
     (when (not (eq window-system 'x))
       (message "Initializing x windows system.")
       (when (not x-display-name) (setq x-display-name (getenv "DISPLAY")))
       (select-frame (make-frame-on-display x-display-name '((window-system . 
     (let ((last-nonmenu-event nil)(window-system 

(defcommand emacs-daemon-kill-hard () ()
   (format nil "for i in `ps ax | grep emacs | grep =~A |cut -d ' ' -f 1`; do 
kill -9 $i; done"
  (message (format nil "emacs daemon which name is (~A) has been killed" 

(defun escape-instance-name (str)
  (let (buf)
    (map nil #'(lambda (ch)
                 (if (or (char= ch #\()
                         (char= ch #\))
                         (char= ch #\")
                         (char= ch #\ )
                         (char= ch #\Newline))
                     (push #\_ buf)
                     (push ch buf)))
    (coerce (reverse buf) 'string)))

(defun emacs-daemon-run-p ()
   (remove #\Newline
             "emacsclient "
             "--socket-name=" *emacs-daemon-name*
             " --eval 't'") t)) "t"))

(defun generate-elisp-expression-string (expression)
   (write-to-string expression :case :downcase) ""))

(defcommand bare-emacs-run (expression) ()
  (let ((expression-string
         (generate-elisp-expression-string expression)))
    (run-shell-command (concat "emacs -Q  --eval '" expression-string "'"))))

(defcommand emacs-daemon-start () ()
  (when (not (emacs-daemon-run-p))
      "x-terminal-emulator -T emacs-daemon-start -e emacs "
      (if *emacs-daemon-name* (concat "--daemon=" *emacs-daemon-name*)

(defun emacsclient-eval (&optional expression create-frame frame-name file)
  "Eval an emacs lisp expression which emacsclient"
  (let* ((expression-string
          (generate-elisp-expression-string expression))
         (name (or frame-name
                   (escape-instance-name expression-string))))
    ;; write emacs lisp sexp to a file, all symbol names
    ;; will be converted to downcase when save.
        (stream *emacsclient-load-file*
                :direction :output
                :if-exists :supersede)
        (format stream "~A" expression-string)))

    ;; start emacs daemon

    ;; run emacs client
     (format nil
             (concat "for i in {1..20};"
                     "do emacsclient --socket-name=~A --eval 't'  > /dev/null 
2>&1 && break;"
                     "sleep 1;"
                     "emacsclient address@hidden ~]"
                     "~:[ ~;-c~] address@hidden '((name . \"~A\"))' ~]"
                     "address@hidden '(load \"~A\")' ~] address@hidden")
     `(:instance ,name))))

(defcommand emacs () ()
  (emacsclient-eval '(recentf-open-files) t "emacs"))

(defcommand org-agenda () ()
  (emacsclient-eval '(progn (org-agenda nil "l") (delete-other-windows)) t))

(defcommand gnus () ()
  (emacsclient-eval '(gnus) t))

(defcommand edit-stumpwmrc () ()
   `(find-file ,*stumpwmrc-file*)
   t "edit-stumpwmrc"))



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