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Re: [STUMP] vertical mode-line?

From: Michael Raskin
Subject: Re: [STUMP] vertical mode-line?
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 18:39:41 +0300

>I'm not aware of this feature.  The issue being with how primitive the
>modeline is.  Its just a special window that handles a string that can
>be formatted various ways.  It shouldn't be too hard to get the
>mode-line on the bottom of the screen, but it would probably take some
>effort to get it on the side.  Currently the string just runs off the
>end of the modeline if its too wide, so getting the mode-line to appear
>in the right part of the screen is only half the battle, the second half
>is getting it to display something useful.
>I would really like to make the mode-line more useful, but my ideas
>require tearing it down and building it back up. I'm not the first
>person to attempt it either.  Most efforts have stagnated and been lost
>to time.

I decided to just have a shell script that outputs my modeline and
hacked window management logic to tag frames so modeline frame is not
included in window set change (modeline xterm stays there). Also
independent frame groups help with managing multiple monitors, and 
FullHD monitors where I usually keep something on the right while change
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