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Re: ObjC dynamic parser

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: ObjC dynamic parser
Date: 06 Feb 1998 20:04:21 -0800

>>>>> "GR" == glen e p ropella <address@hidden> writes:

GR> So, the point is not to *allow* a rich language substrate, but to
GR> allow any language substrate, beit rich or poor, well-defined
GR> (Koza's closure) or ill-defined (exception handling).

Restated, my point is that if Swarm is going to provide a language
substrate, it definitely should be a rich one (Java and Lisp being
examples of rich language substrates).  Otherwise, Swarm cannot
really be thought of as a standalone simulation, modelling or development
environment.  If Swarm does not provide good language integration
features (but tries) the poor ones it provides will just be in the way.

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