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Re: ObjC dynamic parser

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: ObjC dynamic parser
Date: 07 Feb 1998 12:48:39 -0800

>>>>> "GR" == glen e p ropella <address@hidden> writes:

GR> Heck, I can even imagine people wanting to load a
GR> Scheme parser. 

(I assume you mean a Scheme implementation, not just a Scheme parser.
 There is already a S-expression parser in Swarm).

The features and benefits of doing so include:

  o It's a general purpose programming language.
  o It's simple (the specification is about 50 pages).
  o Some implementations, like Guile, are designed to be
    easy to integrate with other software.
  o It's possible to write constrained mini-languages if you want to.
    For example, Guile has CTAX, a simple C-like language.

GR> But, if the problem to be solved is much simpler, like writing programs
GR> for the behavior of cells in a CA or writing programs where no floating
GR> point arithmetic is necessary, then one might be able to prune the set of
GR> possible programs quite quickly by using a special mini-language.

Scheme doesn't not require the full numeric stack; inexact numbers
don't need to be implemented as floating point.  The namespace can
be completely redefined.

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