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[Tinycc-devel] Development/patches - subversion repository

From: Nick
Subject: [Tinycc-devel] Development/patches - subversion repository
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 09:17:18 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)

Hi guys,

I have been playing with TCC on and off for a while now... it has the potential to be very useful in a wide range of applications/uses.

Unfortunately it appears that it isn't moving forward... no active development and community provided patches are not being applied.

I would like to try to kick-start things again.

I have set up a subversion repository:

The last release (0.9.23) can be found here:
svn co http://tcc.forgelink.com/svn/releases/0.9.23/tcc

The top of trunk can be found here:
svn co http://tcc.forgelink.com/svn/trunk/tcc

The top of trunk was first created from 0.9.23. The changes from the old cvs top of trunk were then applied - this allows diffs going back to 0.9.23.

If you have any fixes/patches you would like to apply please email me with a desired username+password and I will create a login with write access. Read access is 100% open. Write access is open but needs a username - just email me.

I have a number of patches relating to multi-session handling which I plan to apply in the near future.

Hopefully we can breathe some life back into TCC :-)


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