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Re: [Vrs-development] vrs momentum

From: Chris Smith
Subject: Re: [Vrs-development] vrs momentum
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 12:35:08 +0100

This is a team effort, with members who presumably have other responibilities 
too, which is why posts seem to fluctuate in quantity!  I like the consortium 
decisions that we seem to be making.  Very healthy.
However, I agree that there needs to be some sort of moderator for the 
development effort, so I'll assume that role if you like until (if...) Bill 
returns (I've been closest to Bill's thoughts from the beginning as we set up 
this project - so I've got a good idea as to where he was going).  However, 
even though Bill had a strong direction, we did kind of agree early on that 
some concepts may not be technically feasible etc (either in terms of time 
frame or "just can't be done" - and that argument still holds.

Anyway as "Acting Chairman" one probably won't interfere too much as the 
group seems to contain some switched on guys who are effectively heading in 
the same direction.  There is nothing wrong in creating a VRS that is *more* 
than was envisaged, just so long as the primary criteria that made the VRS 
such a good idea in the first place are satisfied.

Or something like that.

Anyway - back to getting Goldwater Domains out of the door...... getting 
close now.....


On Thursday 18 July 2002 21:37, Ian Fung wrote:
> i know eric is gone this week which is fine. even if eric were here i'm
> worried that with bill's absence, there is a lack of decision making in
> the vrs project. chris, it sounds like you have some power in the
> decision making process. can we talk to someone if we want to start
> deciding what to do? ie coming up with requirements, design docs, etc?
> obviously i dont want to start doing something and then later having
> people tell me that's not what we want to do and therefore wasting mine
> and everyone else's time.
> i also understand there is about 3-4 people who are actively
> participating in discussion on the mailing list but i think if we have
> something official to post, it will spark involvement from people who
> are already interested.
> so i hope someone who is in charge is reading this. =)
> thanks for listening,

Chris Smith
  Technical Architect - netFluid Technology Ltd.
  "Internet Technologies, Distributed Systems and Tuxedo Consultancy"
  E: address@hidden  W: http://www.nfluid.co.uk

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