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Re: [aspell] LaTeX and umlauts

From: Enrico Scholz
Subject: Re: [aspell] LaTeX and umlauts
Date: 27 Jun 2000 21:59:26 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0805 (Gnus v5.8.5) XEmacs/21.2 (Molpe)

Bjoern Jacke <address@hidden> writes:

> [... aspell, umlauts and their encoding ...]
> Enrico, if you don't have a German keyboard to directy type umlauts...

It's not the keyboard only. I write the documents in different environments
where I can not trust in showing or entering 8bit chars correctly. Using an
encoding like "a in TeX or ae in emails is a easier, more safe and portable
way than trying to persuade the admins of the other machines to configure a
full German-capable system...

> I guess it would be easiest to use a little preprocessor that replaces
> all your "[aouAOU] to [äöüÄÖÜ] in your TeX documents where you can
> then use the inputenc package. Or if you're using vim or emacs you
> could easily set up macros which automatically replace any "a with ä
> for example.

For xemacs there exists the iso-cvt package doing that. I don't use it
because it changes my documents...

Thanks for your effort ... Enrico

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