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Re: LYNX-DEV [patch] New version of current URL editing

From: David Combs
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV [patch] New version of current URL editing
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:20:20 -0800

> From address@hidden Tue Feb 11 10:35:27 1997
> Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:37:22 -0500 (EST)
> From: Foteos Macrides <address@hidden>
> "Tomasz J. Cholewo" <address@hidden> wrote:
> >David Combs wrote:
> >
> >> The obvious response: why not simply "..", with "normal" g?
> >
> >It is not so obvious as normally '..' would be interpreted by starting
> >DIRED in the directory below current.  It doesn't look likely to be used
> >too often, though, so I decided to implement it this way.
> >
> >The following patch (against the Feb 9 prerelease) replaces both my
> >previous patches and allows current URL editing by pressing arrow down
> >after 'g' and going to the "parent" document by typing ".." after 'g'.
>       On both Unix and VMS, 'g' followed by a ".." entry yields
> a directory listing for the parent of the current default directory,
> and a "." entry yields a directory listing for the current default.
> On VMS, "[-]" and "[]" also yield those listings, respectively.  It's
> not surprising that David didn't know that, even after using Lynx for
> all this time, but those are extremely convenient features (at least,
> to some of us 8-), which should not be defeated by your patch.

Mea Culpa.

I tried it, and yes, .. goes to not-where-I-wanted-it-to-go.

(As Fote said) it goes to .. on MY (well, netcom's) computer!

What is so useful about that?  To me, a wasted ".." command that
could be used to go up one level on the CONNECTED-TO (lynxed-to)

Why use LYNX to do an "ls -l .."?  I thought lynx for was
connecting to and doing things with OTHER computers.

If I want "ls ..", I just ^Z and do it, then fg back.  And on NT
or windoze, even if ^Z isn't available (probably is with MKS-tools!),
you can just do it in another window.

For ms-dos, well, so what if you can't do it.  The only reason
for running lynx is to find out things about/on OTHER computers.

Maybe we should change the meaning of "g .."?  Not that going
up one level in the local directory to look around is not
useful to some people, but that .. on FOREIGN computer is MORE

(And yes, "!" works in lynx.  What's wrong with that, for getting
an ls ..?  Or anything else someone wants locally?)


Does anyone else agree with me.  If you do, you'd better
sound off and say so...


Lets keep lynx strictly for doing thing related to FOREIGN 
things (on the net).  The "!" is a quick way to get anything else.

To return to an old topic, what WOULD be useful is to not
just LOOK at my local "..", but to
"CD" TO it -- or to anywhere else locally, so that downloads
would go to THAT place by default.  In that case, the new feature
WOULD be related to doing-things-on-the-net: making it 
easier to download FROM the net...

Just my (usual) lone opinion...

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