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Re: LYNX-DEV 2-8 help: Help!

From: Philip Webb
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV 2-8 help: Help!
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 15:17:02 -0500 (EST)

980303 Philip Webb wrote: 
> > well, now i've reached the following sticking-point:
> > 
> >  lynx_cfg.h  for 2-8 has the same definition as  userdefs.h  for 2-7:
> > LYNX_CFG_FILE "~/lynx28/lynx2-8/lynx.cfg"  [with  8  for  7 ];
> > 
> >  lynx.cfg  for 2-8 has the same definition as 2-7:
> > HELPFILE:file://localhost/homes/purslow/lynx28/lynx2-8/[continued]
> > lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html  [one line; with  8  for  7 ].
> Well, on my ISP, I built with this generated in  lynx_cfg.h :

> #define LYNX_CFG_FILE "/homed/dickey/lib/lynx.cfg" /* $libdir/lynx.cfg */

> and I did a "make install-help" and "make install-cfg"
> and lynx finds the right help-files.

copied from my  lynx_cfg.h :

#define LYNX_CFG_FILE "~/lynx28/lynx2-8/lynx.cfg" /* $libdir/lynx.cfg */

surely the  ~  isn't confusing it?
there's no point in my using the `installs',
since the files are already where the `installs' would put them
& it would in fact delete some of them in the process!
i've simply left everything where  unzip  placed them
& tried to instruct  configure  accordingly;
i move the 2-8 image to  ~/bin , where it works ok in other respects.

anyway, it is presumably finding  lynx.cfg
or (as you say) nothing would work, but it's not finding the help files.

i have no previous experience using  configure ,
which may be making assumptions somewhere which it shouldn't.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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