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Re: [avr-libc-dev] RFD: more avr-libc API changes

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] RFD: more avr-libc API changes
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 23:39:05 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/

I just noticed I missed to reply to that question:

As E. Weddington wrote:

> And then, with all the proposed changes, would this warrant a 2.0
> release?

Our release policy says a major # bump is required iff an
incompatibility with some GCC version arises.  This is currently not
the case (but if I understood Björn right, that could happen in the
near future).

So by now, I'm still leaning towards 1.4.0.

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL

http://www.sax.de/~joerg/                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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