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Re: [avrdude-dev] About avrdude-gui

From: Eric Weddington
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] About avrdude-gui
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 16:18:35 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Joerg Wunsch wrote:

We've been discussing the idea one of the users once had (I forgot
whether it's been on avr-gcc-list, or maybe at avrfreaks.net) to
integrate avrdude-gui with avrdude, rather than have it as a
standalone utility.

We agreed that this idea has some merit.  Having to call an external
utility to do the actual job is a nuisance anyway, let alone different
problems between platforms.  Also, by integrating it into the same
source tree, the GUI could immediately pick up newly added devices
from the config file, rather than playing catch-up with the base

Those are very good points.

Jörg mentioned that he'd take this occasion to rewrite the GUI using
yet another toolkit from scratch, this times using fltk (see
http://www.fltk.org/ ) as it appears fltk is comparably small.

I like small.

I think if we agree the integration is a Good Thing and should happen,
we should also clean up the directory structure a bit.  Right now,
most of the stuff is just in the top-level directory, except for the
texinfo documentation which is in doc/, unlike the man page which is
not in doc/. ;-)

Any opinions?

I'm ok with it, but I want to make sure that that previous version's bugs will get worked out. I think it would be great if it could offer comparable GUI functionality as the STK500 plugin in AVR Studio.

Another desired feature would be if it could have a window showing the resulting avrdude command line where a user could highlight the command line, copy and paste it into a script/batch file for process automation. There would have to be some kind of ability to order the sequence of events (write fuses, erase chip, program flash, program eeprom, etc.).


Eric Weddington

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