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Re: [avrdude-dev] About avrdude-gui

From: Neil Davey
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] About avrdude-gui
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 13:45:46 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

I agree that avrdude could do with a gui, especially for new users to arv using open source tools or someone who doesn't want to mess with the command line, or is just to lazy mess with command lines.. I know I found it a little difficult at first to find info especially about how to set fuses with avrdude...

But dropping the command line option all together I don't think is a good solution. I agree with others who have posted about using it in scripts etc.. I use this option myself, the "it will be programmed like this every time" type script.. very useful if you are programming many units with the same code..

An gui that is in the same source tree for the listed reasons.. sure, agree totally... but I think we need to find a solution that gives the option of command line and gui. Random thought.. don't know how practical it is... how about a command line argument that disables the gui and accepts traditional command line args?

Just my 2c
Neil Davey

address@hidden wrote:

I recently met Jörg Lachmann, the author of avrdude-gui who also lives
here in Dresden.

We've been discussing the idea one of the users once had (I forgot
whether it's been on avr-gcc-list, or maybe at avrfreaks.net) to
integrate avrdude-gui with avrdude, rather than have it as a
standalone utility.

We agreed that this idea has some merit.  Having to call an external
utility to do the actual job is a nuisance anyway, let alone different
problems between platforms.  Also, by integrating it into the same
source tree, the GUI could immediately pick up newly added devices
from the config file, rather than playing catch-up with the base

Jörg mentioned that he'd take this occasion to rewrite the GUI using
yet another toolkit from scratch, this times using fltk (see
http://www.fltk.org/ ) as it appears fltk is comparably small.

I think if we agree the integration is a Good Thing and should happen,
we should also clean up the directory structure a bit.  Right now,
most of the stuff is just in the top-level directory, except for the
texinfo documentation which is in doc/, unlike the man page which is
not in doc/. ;-)

Any opinions?

Neil Davey
Griffith University

School of Microelectronic Engineering
Nathan Campus
Phone: 07-3735-7008
Fax: 07-3735-5112

School of Psychology - ACNRC
Mt Gravatt Campus
Phone: 07-3735-3395

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