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[DotGNU]Re: Java issues, and Microsoft.NET compatibility

From: Norbert Bollow
Subject: [DotGNU]Re: Java issues, and Microsoft.NET compatibility
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 08:26:46 +0200

Tali Streit <address@hidden>

> Instead i think that we should *strongly* push ourselves as creating 
> something far superior to .NET. not even something based on it. 

Yes.  I agree 100%.

At the same time there are those who are adopting .NET because
the boss say they must, even if they hate Microsoft.  It's
important to let them know that DotGNU will be
_downward_compatible_ to .NET

> this way we are saying that .NET is not worth copying, but something 
> needs to be done.

Don't forget to mention that because of the way in which
Microsoft is strategically placing itself in the center of the
.NET universe, .NET can only solve part of the problem that it
promises to solve.  DotGNU has come to solve that problem fully
and even go beyond it.

Greetings, Norbert.

Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet  (near Zurich, Switzerland)
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