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[pandoc] (was: Emacs as a word processor (ways to convert Word/RTF propr

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: [pandoc] (was: Emacs as a word processor (ways to convert Word/RTF proprietary files))
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 14:37:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>> "TH" == Tomas Hlavaty <tom@logand.com> writes:

   > git clone https://logand.com/git/emacs-unoffice.git

I was forced since some years to inter-operate with xlsx and docx files.

    1. xlsx files can usually very easily be converted to org mode (without
       the excel formulas)

    2. The best solution to convert docx was usually via pandoc
       (sometimes libreoffice gave better results).

    3. I wrote some trival lisp wrappers for that purpose.

    4. However while xlsx-->org-->xlsx work reasonable well, the same
       cannot be said for docx-->org-->docx

Seems to me more useful that this short lisp hack that I tested with a
couple of docx files and most of them resulted in not very useful buffers.

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