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Re: [gnugo-devel] a GG3.53 very bad game

From: bump
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] a GG3.53 very bad game
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 21:15:13 -0800

> 1-what does unchecked means ?

The owl code is not run on all dragons, because when a dragon
has lots of escape room the results are meaningless. The exact
criterion is around line 320 of dragon.c:

 /* Some dragons can be ignored but be extra careful with big dragons. */
 if (crude_dragon_weakness(ALIVE, &no_eyes, 0,
                        DRAGON2(str).escape_route - 10)
          < 0.00001 + gg_max(0.12, 0.32 - 0.01*dragon[str].effective_size)) {
    DRAGON2(str).owl_status = UNCHECKED;
    DRAGON2(str).owl_attack_point  = NO_MOVE;
    DRAGON2(str).owl_defense_point = NO_MOVE;

If the owl code is not run, then the matcher status is the
crude status and the owl status is ``unchecked''.

> 2-after -T (moves 174) the upper right white dragon is red colored
>  (critical) .
> does this evaluation concern the dragon status *before* or *after*
> the move has been evaluated ? (GG3.4 shows the dragon as green )

The critical status means that GNU Go believes (correctly)
that the dragon can be killed or defended depending on who
moves first. Unfortunately O13 is believed to be a defense
for both O18 and N15 (which are two separate dragons). Of
course O11 is the only move.

> 3- using rxvt under cygwin i can't have any color while i have them
> in the MS-DOS Shell window (but the dragon_status display is not visible
> because the window has just 50 lines)
> maybe,someone has a solution for the rxvt problem .

Maybe rxvt was compiled without color support. Do you have
any other terminals such as xterm, nxterm, color-xterm etc.?
Any of these terminals can be compiled with color either
enabled or not.


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