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Re: [GNU Herds]: Portuguese

From: Duarte \"HappyGuy\" Loreto
Subject: Re: [GNU Herds]: Portuguese
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 14:12:26 +0000

Hello, Davi

On 1/27/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Duarte,

We think it could be better keep the certifications name-brand common to all
countries. So keep it untranslated. What do you think about?.

   "Contribuição para o Software Livre" certificação
   "Free Software Contributor" certificação

   "Rede de Negócios GNU" certificação
   "GNU Business Network" certificação

If the english text is "The 'Free Software Contributor' certification", the portuguese should be "a certificação de 'Free Software Contributor'", as we swap text order compared to english. Otherwise, I agree and it makes sense that an international certification keeps it's original name so that it can be better recognized on a CV.

P.S.: We are looking for a Portuguese translator to realize the maintenance
for free. We are going to ask for it at gnome_pt AT

That mailing list is mostly me, with some sporadic appearance from other people. I can do the maintenance for free, just provide me with the .po when you need updates. :)

Flames are welcome and needed.

Best regards,

Happy to contribute! With my best regards

Duarte Loreto

Version: 3.12
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