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Re: logical URLs -- Klaus' architecture

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: logical URLs -- Klaus' architecture
Date: Sat, 5 May 2007 16:26:57 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

So, we will use the new URIs design only with the Klaus' architecture.

I personally think we must not spend human resources to modify the URIs of the 
current architecture at production.

The sooner we move to the new architecture the better.

Klaus Weiss wrote:
> I wonder if it isn't better to move the redirection stuff to PHP
> litself? Currently there is a dispatcher file which do this stuff and it
> would be easy to add some special rules for backward compatibility.

> The requested URL should looks like '/offers/view/3' if mod_rewrite is
> used.

It has been proposed that the URLs which the user will see at his browser are 
defined at the attached text file in the previous email.

> There is some lowlevel code which extracts now the necessery information
> from the URL. Currently this code understands the following layout:
> /index.php/ControllerName/ActionName/Param1/Param2/...
> However it can be easily changed. I think this is an interesting feature
> due to its flexibility.

If that flexibility is:
  * already developed, or
  * easy to be developed, or
  * somebody is going develop it,

then that flexibility is good. I agree with you!

P.S.: Although it is transitional yet, could you send a tar ball of your work 
to the list or to me to take a look?


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