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Re: <div>s based layout -- HTML 4.01 Strict

From: Antenore Gatta
Subject: Re: <div>s based layout -- HTML 4.01 Strict
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 12:13:20 +0100

Davi, I remember that you were not agree with horizontal language menu. Isn't it? ;-) BTW I prefer much more horizontal.

Sameer, I'm a agree with Davi it's a good job!!! Tell me if I can help you in some way. It doesn't make sense that we work both on different layouts and I prefer much more to execute that to invent :-P

I'm agree also with Victor, we shouldn't forget accessibility, so what about to start with black on white (header and footer excluded).

So it could be:

1. Horizontal language menu (the proposed black).
2. Header (red and white with logo and project state).
3. Horizontal links and login menus (???).
4. Content (simple black on white without link formatting).
5. Footer with background color.

What do you think?

On Nov 9, 2007 11:56 AM, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Sameer Naik wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> > As first draft actually impressive and cool. Very cool!!  I like the
> > black on top of red with green down.
> actually theres no green there. if you do actually see a green color, you
> might be having some monitor issues.
> the color being displayed is #666666. anyway...

I was referring to the below background color, which as you have noted is not
green. You are right.


Note: I set my CRT monitor to use Brightness 0% and Contrast 70%.

> > Anyway the white foot area could take too much
> > of the attention from the webapp user.
> it will all come into shape when all the layout components are completed.
> we can do the adjustments then.

It is OK. I just noted it.

> > The brightest color should be maybe
> > the one used at the content area (which is the more main), not at the
> > foot area. Maybe I am mistaken.
> i was thinking the main content area itself should be white, with black
> text color. its better to read and less straining to the eyes.
> the menus, footer, titles, etc could be colored but not the main content
> area.
> ill get the whole layout done, and then we could discuss upon this.


> > Comments: How could it look with the 'logo.png' and the "Project state:
> > Beta" added?
> actually , i did add project status but there were some rendering issues
> with internet explorer 6. so i left it for later (i would be wasting a lot
> of time trying to figure that out).
> as for the logo, i will be adding it later. unless u really want me to add
> it for your viewing pleasure :)

My viewing pleasure is the less main :)  The whole project is. You can kick me

> btw davi, you can commit the changes you have made on the project site.


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