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[Gnumed-devel] (was: Offer to share working wxPython/Pyth

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] (was: Offer to share working wxPython/Python GUI)
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 11:26:09 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

On Friday 15 August 2003 22:20, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> > > I do have a working GUI written with all the gnumed tools (wxPython,
> > > wxDesigner, Python, pypgsql, postgresql) for my dental office
> > > application. ...
One reason for sticking to wxWindows.

Did you know that one of the (main?) contributers to wxWindows and the 
developer of wxDesigner (Robert Roebling) is a medical doctor as well?
Not a bad combination I would say.  

Have you ever thought of running GNUmed on an IPAQ or Zaurus or tablet-PC like 
the Siemens SIMPad ? Well , in this case wxWindows is not a bad chioce. Just 
check out wxEmbedded and find out that it would just be a matter of 
cross-compiling for GPE.

I might add that a qt-version could be run on OPIE ( but from what I read on the net there definetely 
are licensing issues.

> > Karsten - if you will not grab the ball soon because you live on a
> > central
> I'd be delighted if I DON'T have to grab that ball. I am no
> good at that. However, I do realize that Leipzig is a
> convenient place (for a conference). So, I'd be happy to have
> people sleep in or something. I don't have a good idea for a
> place to hold that conference (no, Hilmar, *that* is not a
> good idea to me, for obvious reasons ...). Sebastian:
> Herzzentrum ? Christof (Meigen): Oststraße ? Christian: TU
> Ilmenau ?
Let me check if the Leipzig heart centre is willing to let us use their 
facility. They have a very well equipped lecture hall with huge screens and 
networked seats. It all depends on what amount of money they want. 
Alternatively they have a couple of meeting rooms although I dont know 
anything about Internet connectivity in these rooms. 

They have guest (not patient ;-) ) housing as well which is around 20-30 Euro 
per night ( I think). I will talk to them and find out if we can come up with 
some kind of sponsorship.

Please visit for updates. There will be an initial 
announcement within the next few hours.

Best regards,

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