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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: windows installer

From: David Grant
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: windows installer
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 13:55:32 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

Karsten Hilbert wrote:

somewhere, and my own files, which are in my home directory, (and also gnumed-cvs). It definitely simplifies our code. gnumed will already be in sys.path, no need to fiddle with PATHs or anything like that. Simpler, shorter, standardized code is easy to maintain, and easier for new developers to grasp.

I do think it makes sense to place the Python parts of the
GnuMed Python client in site-packages.

Andreas, what is Debian's position on that ?

From some conversation with some debian people on python-dev mailing list:

Fred L. Drake, Jr. said:
/ Oh yeah, another thing I vaguely recall from the pre-Distutils-0.1 era:
/>/ Guido doesn't (didn't?) like site-python and wanted to deprecate it.
/>/ Perhaps the above paragraph explains why.
Guido van Rossum said:
Indeed, /usr/local/lib/python<major>.<minor>/site-packages/ is where
site packages should go.

site-python that he's referring to was in /usr/lib/site-python I think.  It has 
to do with byte-code compilation or something...  which can be different for 
each version of python.

Andreas, I'm not sure why your packages install some stuff (client/wxpython) to /usr/share/ and other stuff (client/business) to /usr/lib/python-2.3/site-packages. Even worse, the python-common stuff goes into the a parent dir of the wxpython stuff, so the directory structure is changed. That won't work for using python packages.

I think putting any *.py files anywhere other than site-packages might cause lintian errors. which won't help the packages get into debian stable.


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