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Re: [Gnumed-devel] installing the gnumed.01.gz file - more

From: Richard Terry
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] installing the gnumed.01.gz file - more
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:13:12 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

oops, ran as root: now get this:

address@hidden:~/Desktop/gnumed-0.1$ /usr/bin/gnumed
Determining GnuMed base directory ...
log file is [/home/richard/.gnumed/gnumed.log]
WARNING: option <client encoding> not set in config file
You should name this workplace to better identify the machine !
To do this set the option "name" in the group [workplace] in the config file !
loading consultation types
Cannot load consultation types from backend.
Consequently, the only available type are:
['in surgery', 'chart review']

Please consult the error log for all the gory details !
[PANIC] (wxpython/ Exception: Unhandled exception 
[PANIC] (wxpython/ exception type : exceptions.TypeError
[PANIC] (wxpython/ exception value: sequence expected, 
NoneType found
[PANIC] (wxpython/ Traceback (most recent call 
[PANIC] (wxpython/   File "wxpython/", line 244, 
in ?<#10-0x0A-lf>    gmGuiMain.main()<#10-0x0A-lf>
[PANIC] (wxpython/   File "wxpython/", line 
756, in main<#10-0x0A-lf>    app = gmApp(0)<#10-0x0A-lf>
[PANIC] (wxpython/   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wxPython/", line 1951, in 
__init__<#10-0x0A-lf>    _wxStart(self.OnInit)<#10-0x0A-lf>
[PANIC] (wxpython/   File "wxpython/", line 
610, in OnInit<#10-0x0A-lf>    frame = gmTopLevelFrame(None, -1, _('GnuMed 
client'), (640,440))<#10-0x0A-lf>
[PANIC] (wxpython/   File "wxpython/", line 
165, in __init__<#10-0x0A-lf>    self.__load_plugins()<#10-0x0A-lf>
[PANIC] (wxpython/   File "wxpython/", line 
282, in __load_plugins<#10-0x0A-lf>    plugin_list = 
[PANIC] (wxpython/   File "python-common/", 
line 499, in GetPluginLoadList<#10-0x0A-lf>
[PANIC] (wxpython/ TypeError: sequence expected, NoneType 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "wxpython/", line 244, in ?
  File "wxpython/", line 756, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wxPython/", line 1951, in 
  File "wxpython/", line 610, in OnInit
  File "wxpython/", line 165, in __init__
  File "wxpython/", line 282, in __load_plugins
  File "python-common/", line 499, in GetPluginLoadList
TypeError: sequence expected, NoneType found

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:04 am, Richard Terry wrote:
> Ian I found this whilst waiting to sort out the other problem.
> Installs ok.
> What's the passwords etc( It dies):
> [PANIC] (wxpython/   File "python-common/",
> line 385, in __setup_default_ro_conns<#10-0x0A-lf>    raise
> gmExceptions.ConnectionError, _('Cannot connect to configuration database
> with:\n\n[%s]') % login.GetInfoStr()<#10-0x0A-lf>
> [PANIC] (wxpython/ ConnectionError: Cannot connect to
> configuration database
> with:<#10-0x0A-lf><#10-0x0A-lf>[,
> db=gnumed-public, user=any-doc, pw=??, opts=, tty=]<#10-0x0A-lf>
> OnInit returned FALSE, exiting...
> address@hidden:/home/richard/Desktop/gnumed-0.1#
> I tired any-doc, nothing, password, anydoc to no avail.
> richard
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> Gnumed-devel mailing list
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